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10 Secret Things You Didn’t Know About Truck Cab Protectors

Many of us have seen the Truck cab protectors fitted on the backside mirror of the semi-truck. Most of us think of it as a styling element that is placed to increase the vehicle’s attractiveness. However, a cab protector is vital safety equipment for the truck. The truck cab protectors are also called headache racks or back racks. 

These racks are generally placed on the truck for protecting the passenger and cargo while staying on the road. In this article, we will cover every aspect concerned with truck cab protectors. So, let’s begin.

Brief description about Headache racks

A headache rack is also known as a back rack. It is fixed on a grid plate present on the back of the tractor of a semi-truck. The protector is exactly placed between the cab and the bed. The main function of the cab protector is to protect the passengers from the cargo present on the back of the semi-truck. 

Headache racks are made of different kinds of materials. However, the most common material used for making a headache rack is aluminium alloy. These racks are called headache racks because they prevent the people inside the cabin from headaches in case of the cargo present in the trunk slides into the cabin.

When the driver applies brakes suddenly, the weight transfer occurs from the rear wheels towards the front wheels. In that case, the cargo present on the back of the truck might slide into the cabin and hit the driver’s head. But, if the headache racks are present on the back mirror of the truck, the chances of cargo entering the cab during sudden braking are eliminated. 

10 Secret things about Truck Cab Protectors

Types of Headache Racks

Headache racks are defined based on their placement on the vehicle. Roof-mounted headache racks are placed on the roof of the vehicle, while the bed-mounted headache racks are placed on the floor of the truck. 

Moreover, there is a specific type of truck cab protector with side-to-side crossbars. Some cab protectors also have cut-outs according to the truck’s windows. There are different types of cab protectors, which are mentioned below:-

Benefits of using Headache racks

1. Security

The headache racks provide protection to the driver and the co-driver inside the truck cabin. But it also provides protection for the people present in the vehicles ahead. A headache rack made of waterproof material ensures that you can drive safely while carrying heavyweight of equipment and materials on the back of your truck.

2. Prevention from damage

The truck cab protectors help restrict the impact of being transferred into the cab during sudden braking or an accident. These racks prevent the dangerous material from entering the cabin through the glass present on the back of the cabin.

3. Increase in storage capacity

Headache racks increase the storage capacity of the vehicle. Suppose you want to increase the storage capacity of the truck further. In that case, you can use a closet rack with a designated area to store some tools and equipment. Moreover, some racks also have hydraulic tanks, which can be extremely useful in storing liquid cargo. 


Headache Rack is an essential accessory for your semi-truck. These racks play a major role in enhancing the safety of the passengers present inside the vehicle’s cabin. Moreover, it also prevents cargo from creating dents on the vehicle.

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