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What is OSHA 10 Certification and How Long is it Good For?

OSHA 10 certification is a type of training that construction workers must meet in order to be considered qualified for their jobs. It stands for Occupational Safety & Health Administration 10-Hour Construction Standard, and it’s required by many companies as part of their hiring processes. OSHA 10 certification is necessary because it ensures that employees have the skills and knowledge needed to protect themselves from hazards at work sites. This course provides information on how to protect yourself from injuries caused by falls, electrocution, burns, chemical exposure, and more!

What is OSHA 10 Certification?

OSHA 10 is a safety training course that helps you learn how to protect yourself from workplace hazards. It is specifically designed for workers in the construction industry and teaches them about the dangers of working in this field, as well as how to prevent accidents and injuries.

What is OSHA 10?

OSHA 10 is a certification that requires you to take a 10-hour course on safety procedures and hazards. It’s also called OSHA 10, so named after its length in hours. This training course is required by some states for construction workers who want to be certified in safety procedures and regulations. However, it’s not necessary for everyone working on an active site–only those who are involved with building projects where there are hazardous conditions or materials being used.

What’s the Right Type of OSHA 10 Certification For Me?

OSHA 10 is the most common type of certification, covering general industry, construction, and maritime industries. It also covers agriculture and the general industry with an emphasis on construction.

The following are certifications that fall under OSHA 10:

Is OSHA 10 Required?

OSHA 10 is a required certification for any construction or industrial setting. OSHA 10 is also required by law in certain states and municipalities, including California, Illinois, and New York City.

OSHA 10 certifications are good for five years from the date of issue.

Why and Where is OSHA 10 Required for Construction?

OSHA 10 is required by law for construction workers. This certification shows that you are qualified to work on a construction site, and it’s a good way to show prospective employers that you have the necessary training.

To get your OSHA 10 card, you must take an approved training course provided by an OSHA-approved training provider. The course will teach you about safety procedures in general and specific hazards related to working at heights or around machineries such as forklifts and cranes. Once you complete this course with passing grades (usually 70% or higher), your certificate will be valid for three years from when it was issued unless otherwise noted on your certificate itself or included in an email confirmation from your trainer within 14 days after graduation day should he/she notify students about expiration dates then follow up with emails later on reminding everyone about their expiring certificates so there would be no confusion among learners who may forget what year they took their courses which could lead them thinking they still have another full year left before needing another one but actually don’t!

Does OSHA 10 Expire?

You may be wondering if your OSHA 10 certification expires. The good news is that it does not. Unlike some other certifications, OSHA 10 is valid for three years from the date of issuance. However, if you do not renew your certification during this time period, it will expire and become invalid. To keep your OSHA 10 in good standing and avoid losing it altogether, there are several options available:

●     You can retake the class (the same one) and retake the exam at any time within three years of receiving a certificate.

●     You can take an online refresher course instead of retaking the entire course again (this option is only available if you’ve already taken an in-person course).

How Long is OSHA 10 Good For, When Required?

OSHA 10 certification is good for 3 years from the date of issue.

If you receive your OSHA 10 card on October 1st, 2019, it will be valid until October 1st, 2022.

Where Do You Get OSHA 10?

The OSHA 10 training course is available online, at your local OSHA office, and in many other locations.

If you’re looking for an online option, there are plenty of websites that offer it for sale. The official site for the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) has a page dedicated to offering this course in English and Spanish with links to more than 1,000 agencies across America that provide certification services for those who want them.

If you’d prefer a more personal touch from an instructor who can answer any questions that arise during the process of taking their test, then visiting your local community college or vocational school may be better suited for your needs since these types of institutions tend to have instructors on staff who teach classes like these as part of their regular curriculum – although they might not necessarily be certified by OSHA themselves!  Similarly enough though…you could also go directly through OSHA themselves!


If you’re looking for an OSHA 10 certification, we can help. We offer online courses that will help prepare you for the exam and provide you with the knowledge needed to pass it on the first try. Our courses are designed by experts in their fields who have years of experience teaching others how best to prepare for their exams so that they can succeed as well!

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