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Graphic recorder Vs. Graphic facilitator: When to use what

Wondering whether you need a graphic recorder or a graphic facilitator for your next event or meeting? Let us help clear your confusion. To start with, you must understand what each service is.

What is graphic recording?

Graphic recording is the process of translating conversations or presentations in a visual format in real-time. Presenters or meeting heads use this service to get maximum attention from the audience and keep them engaged. 

The graphic recorders work on three aspects simultaneously: listen to the key ideas during a presentation, synthesize them, and present them in a visual format (either pictures or videos). At the end of the meeting or presentation, you have a visual map with the key insights that can be used for reference purposes.

Now, that you know about graphic recording, let us read about graphic facilitation.

What is graphic facilitation?

We all have heard the famous saying – A picture is worth a thousand words. 

We can define graphic facilitation as the process of using imagery and visual tools to create shared understanding, work on complex projects, get better feedback, and have better teamwork.

Various academic and professional environments such as meetings, seminars, conferences, webinars often opt for a graphic facilitator. It helps in identifying unidentified patterns and connections through position, colors, shapes, and arrows. Even people with lower literacy levels or people who don’t understand your language can easily understand the concept.

Various organizations offer comprehensive and highly interactive graphic facilitation services. 

Okay, now that you know about both the services, the next big question that arises is – What to use in which scenario?

Graphic recorder vs graphic facilitator 

Both graphic recorder and graphic facilitator more or less seem to offer similar services. Both of them turn conversations into visual formats. Then how do you differentiate between the two? Which one should you pick up for your next event?

Don’t worry let us help clear your confusion. 

You can choose a graphic designer when you are planning to host a meeting or presentation and you want the maximum attention of your audience. If you wish to make them engage with what you are saying, make them give suggestions, and get the best outcomes, you can pick a graphic recorder.

In case you are working on some complex projects with a diverse team, it is not easy to communicate your point easily. Some people may get your point while some may not. In such cases, opting for a graphic facilitator will be an ideal decision. 

Based on your needs, you can pick up the service and get the best out of your next event. 

Wrapping Up

Experience plays a key role whether you are choosing a graphic recorder or graphic facilitator. Ensure that you hire someone who has some experience in your domain to get the best results. 

Ensure that you discuss the event details and other relevant information with the concerned person so that he can plan accordingly. 

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