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Who is Scott Dylan? From South East London to the Forefront of Global Business Turnaround

In the world of business, certain individuals stand out for their exceptional vision, resilience, and commitment to making a positive impact. One such figure is Scott Dylan, the co-founder of Inc & Co. A renowned entrepreneur, business strategist, and advocate for diversity and mental health, Scott’s journey from his modest beginnings in South East London to the top of a global corporation is a captivating tale of drive, ingenuity, and dedication to positive change.

Early Beginnings: The Making of an Entrepreneur

Born and bred in South East London, Scott Dylan exhibited an entrepreneurial spirit from a tender age. His formative years at John Roan School were marked by identifying cost-saving opportunities and engaging in entrepreneurial activities, hinting at the business acumen that would later define his career.

His passion for expanding his horizons led him to Italia Conti Associates, a revered performing arts institution. Here, he continued to nurture his entrepreneurial spirit while developing his creative capabilities. The fusion of creativity and commerce would later become a defining aspect of his approach to business.

Further broadening his knowledge base, Scott pursued legal studies at the Open University, registering with the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (CILEx) and the Institute of Paralegals. This diverse educational journey laid the groundwork for his unique blend of business acumen, creativity, and legal understanding, which would prove instrumental in his future successes.

Climbing the Corporate Ladder

Throughout his two-decade-long career, Scott Dylan held senior leadership roles in prominent companies like Octopus Investments, Microsoft, Cable & Wireless, and Arcadia Group. His contributions to AND Digital, where he served as the Digital & Ecommerce Director, helped lay the foundation for the company’s rapid growth. Today, AND Digital employs over 1,800 individuals and boasts a global turnover of £143 million. Scott’s early professional experiences also encompass roles as Managing Director of Alienation and Fluid Creativity.

The Birth of Inc & Co: A Mission to Revitalise Struggling Businesses

In 2019, Scott Dylan co-founded Inc & Co alongside Jack Mason and Dave Antrobus. With a mission to acquire, invest in, and revitalise distressed businesses, the company’s objective is to save jobs, minimise creditor losses, and stimulate growth. Boasting a turnover exceeding £150 million, Inc & Co has made a significant impact across diverse sectors, including professional services, travel, retail, e-commerce, and shared workspaces.

The company’s core values of inclusivity and collaboration are reflected in its name and inform its approach to business. Inc & Co’s portfolio of successful acquisitions and exits includes MyLife Digital, Laundrapp, and Wood for Trees, while companies such as Incspaces, Skylab, Baldwins Travel, Maker&Son, King Street Grooming, and Knomo remain under its ownership.

Scott Dylan and the Art of Business Turnaround

Scott’s entry into the realm of insolvency came when he assumed the role of interim director for a Top 100 digital agency. Upon discovering the company was being exploited by indifferent shareholders, Scott made an unsuccessful offer to purchase the company. Undaunted, he sought counsel from insolvency practitioners, accountants, lawyers, employees, and creditors, ultimately orchestrating a hostile takeover. Today, the company is employee-owned and continues to prosper.

Turning around distressed businesses is no small feat. It requires overcoming resistance from suppliers, employees, customers, and even the media. Scott Dylan’s unwavering commitment to salvaging businesses and preserving jobs has established him as an expert in this field.

Philanthropy and Advocacy: Scott Dylan’s Broader Impact

Scott’s dedication to positive change goes beyond business. A member of the Forbes Business Council, he contributes valuable insights and advice to He is also a staunch advocate for mental health, diversity, and inclusivity in the workplace.

As someone who grapples with Complex PTSD, Scott understands the importance of raising awareness and providing support for mental health issues. Openly gay, he champions diversity in all its forms, embracing various cultures and promoting women in business and technology.

Scott believes that the key to success lies in building a loyal and dependable team, underscoring that achievements are never the product of a solitary journey. This commitment to inclusivity and collaboration shapes both his business ventures and philanthropic efforts.

A Diverse Investment Portfolio

Scott Dylan’s keen eye for potential and unwavering belief in supporting businesses to reach their full potential is evident in his extensive investment portfolio. With investments in companies worldwide, Scott’s diverse portfolio showcases his ability to identify and nurture businesses across various sectors.

Scott Dylan: A Lasting Legacy

Scott Dylan’s journey from his humble beginnings in South East London to the heights of global business success is both inspiring and instructive. As the co-founder of Inc & Co, he has played a pivotal role in rescuing and revitalising numerous struggling businesses, preserving jobs, and fostering growth.

Throughout his career, Scott has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to mental health, diversity, and inclusivity. His passion for these values is evident not only in his business dealings but also in his philanthropic work and contributions to With a keen understanding of the importance of collaboration and teamwork, Scott Dylan continues to make a lasting impact on the business world and beyond.

Building a Strong Network and Giving Back

A critical aspect of Scott Dylan’s success lies in his ability to forge strong connections with industry leaders, entrepreneurs, and innovators. His extensive network, cultivated through years of hard work and collaboration, has enabled him to stay informed and responsive to emerging trends and opportunities in the business world.

In addition to leveraging these connections for the benefit of his enterprises, Scott is also committed to giving back to the community. He regularly engages in mentoring and coaching activities, sharing his wealth of knowledge and experience with aspiring entrepreneurs and professionals looking to make their mark in the business world.

Scott’s belief in the transformative power of education is demonstrated through his involvement in various initiatives aimed at providing learning opportunities and support for individuals from underprivileged backgrounds. By investing in education, Scott aims to create a more inclusive and diverse business landscape for future generations.

A Role Model for Future Entrepreneurs

Scott Dylan’s extraordinary journey serves as an inspiration to budding entrepreneurs and professionals worldwide. His unwavering determination, innovative thinking, and commitment to fostering positive change have propelled him to the forefront of the global business arena.

His accomplishments are a testament to the power of perseverance, adaptability, and a strong belief in one’s abilities. As a role model for future entrepreneurs, Scott Dylan embodies the qualities necessary for success in an increasingly competitive and ever-evolving business landscape.

Embracing the Future: Scott Dylan’s Vision for Tomorrow

As Scott Dylan continues to lead Inc & Co and its subsidiaries to new heights, he remains focused on identifying and capitalising on emerging opportunities in the global market. Always on the lookout for the next promising venture, Scott aims to expand his business empire while staying true to his core values of inclusivity, collaboration, and positive impact.

Moreover, Scott is dedicated to promoting sustainable business practices, recognising the importance of environmental responsibility in today’s world. By incorporating sustainability into his business strategies, he strives to create a lasting legacy that extends beyond financial success.

The Enduring Impact of Scott Dylan

From his early beginnings in South East London to his current status as a renowned entrepreneur, business strategist, and philanthropist, Scott Dylan’s remarkable journey is one of perseverance, innovation, and an unwavering commitment to making a difference.

Through Inc & Co and his diverse investment portfolio, Scott has played an instrumental role in revitalising struggling businesses, preserving jobs, and fostering growth. His dedication to mental health, diversity, and inclusivity, coupled with his philanthropic endeavours and contributions to, further underscore his lasting impact on the business world and society at large.

With a keen understanding of the importance of collaboration, teamwork, and sustainable business practices, Scott Dylan continues to blaze a trail in the world of entrepreneurship, inspiring future generations to dream big and embrace the challenges of tomorrow.

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