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How to Self-Care for Muscle Pain after a Car Accident? And Why It Is Essential To Visit An Orthopedic?

How to Self-Care for Muscle Pain after a Car Accident

Car accidents in Marietta city, GA, have been occurring over the years. The Atlanta area is one of the most accident-prone regions in the entire US.

According to the Vox media report, in 2013, Atlanta’s I-285 perimeter highlighted as the deadliest stretch of road in terms of fatal accidents (causing a person to die) per mile.

Looking specifically at Marietta, GA car accident figures, in 2015, 385,221 total crashes occurred that led to 1,430 deaths and 19,405 serious injuries.

If you have been a victim of a car accident, keep reading to learn more. Source

How to Handle Pain Due To an Auto Accident?

When you’re the victim of a car accident, you will have bruises and scrapes as proof of your injuries. Moreover, you will notice pains and aches right after a collision.

After a few days, however, you may experience that your muscles are sore, that might be the sign of a lasting injury. In severe cases, you must visit Marietta pain clinic, as soon as possible.

5 Steps to Take to Relieve Muscle Pain

Because there are no oral medications to reduce the chance of infection that can cover the muscle, here are essential steps that you should pay attention to.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water is essential as it helps your muscles heal after an auto accident. This advice, to stay hydrated, is an excellent practice for your normal routine life.

When the human body is dehydrated, the muscles face trouble functioning correctly, which further leads to muscle cramps.

Therefore, to heal your muscles properly, you will need the extra aid of fluids to stop causing more pain.


Rest helps your body to heal quickly. You need to give rest to your sore muscles; otherwise, it will take years to recuperate from the damage done during the accident.

However, there is no definite time set for the healing process, as it depends on your condition and other factors. Upgrading to a chiropractor recommended pillow, can also help with recovery. Neck Roll Pillows like this one from Arizona based Pillow Maker PineTales are also all natural and made in the USA.

Massage Therapy

Massage is one of the most vital steps to consider to help relieve the pain and to promote the healing process. This therapy can include deep tissue massage, stone therapy, and general massage.

Deep tissue massage helps to relax your tightened muscles after an accident. As your muscles relax, you feel relieved.

Physical Therapy

Physiotherapy helps reduce muscle strains and injuries. Your therapist, after your initial consultation, will design a routine for your therapies.

These routines will typically include dietary plans, light exercise, and stretches at the beginning that will be beneficial to your recovery.


Yoga can help to relax the stiffness of your body that stress has caused in your muscles as a result of an accident.

Because yoga requires a full range of motion and deep breathing, these two combined can relax and supply the oxygen to your muscles to function at their best.

While you are under self-treatment, you need to pay attention to even a small signal your body gives you. In case you notice worsening pain, you need to seek medical treatment at earliest.

We would recommend you visit the best Marietta pain clinic for your injuries and pain management.

These are just a few basic things that a person can do after a car accident. But when you experience a severe car crash, injuries to bones and soft tissues can cause chronic pain.

Thus, you should have these damages correctly diagnosed.

Signs You Need Orthopedic Treatment

Head and brain injuries

If you’re susceptible to head pain or damages due to breakage of a windshield, steering wheel, loose objects, side window, roof, or other people.

Whiplash/Neck injuries 

It’s common for car crashes to cause your neck to the strain that can range from mild to dislocation of vertebrae.

Back and spinal cord injuries

These two injuries can be among the most traumatic one. As the car crashes, the small discs located along your spine can be pushed or twisted out of alignment. Also, it could lead to fractured backbones.

Internal injuries

Internal injuries can cause internal bleeding that calls for immediate medical care.

You have no idea how badly you can get hurt internally, after a crash. This includes damages to muscles and your lungs, liver, spleen, heart, kidneys, or bowels.

If there is one common mistake that the majority of victims make after a car collision, it is waiting to seek medical help.

Muscle pain can’t be handle at home and should be treated professionally. Even if you think that this pain will go away with time, truth to be told, it only gets worse in many situations.

Plus, you won’t be able to document your injuries for the insurance companies. Waiting to visit a doctor can make things complicated––both health-wise and in claiming insurance amount.

If you feel pain after a collision—you need to go a doctor, simple. You must talk to your doctor in detail regarding the treatment plans or therapies, as suggested. The goal of an orthopaedic is to restore one’s life after a car accident.

A doctor will not only help you recover fast, but they will diagnose the root cause of muscle pain and discomfort. Likewise, they make sure there isn’t something more serious, causing your pain.

Closing thoughts

As you begin your journey of managing injuries and pain, contact a doctor you can trust.

This is hard to accomplish, but we would suggest you take help from friends or colleagues who have experienced dealing with any particular Marietta pain clinic, located nearby.

Another good safety reminder is to know the location of the trauma center or an emergency room nearest your home.

The time saved in knowing in advance where to go in an emergency can help you save the life of the victim you care about.

Thank you for reading!

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