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The Art of the Glow Up! How to Improve Your Appearance

How to Improve Your Appearance and Upgrade Your Look From Head to Toe

If you’ve been wondering how to improve your appearance and reinvent your style, you’ve come to the right place. We’re going to teach you how to identify things you find attractive in others and see if they fit you. Of course, implementing those changes may not be as easy as you might think.

After all, there’s no telling where your transformation process might lead you. For example, while wearing braces wouldn’t pay off overnight, getting veneers in Wheeling’s best dental clinic would have immediate results. Similarly, there are instant and long-term solutions you can implement to improve other aspects of your appearance. With that in mind, let’s see how you can improve your look and become the best version of yourself.

Your Body Is Your Temple

First things first, let’s tackle the biggest part of our presentation — the body. Even if your goal is to achieve superficial results, it’s best to approach this project holistically. With that in mind, we should start by considering the things we put into our bodies.

Ideally, we should steer clear of junk food and stick to fruits, veggies, and plain old water instead. Staying hydrated will have you glowing in no time. Needless to say, tobacco and alcohol consumption should be kept to a minimum too.

Exercise is also a must — even when we’re not trying to lose weight. Moving our bodies simply makes us happier which is naturally reflected in our appearance as well. More to the point, regular exercise should also improve any posture problems we may have.

If possible, we should take our workouts outdoors. Doing so would allow us to absorb vitamin D straight from the sun. Just make sure you have sunscreen on before you head out!

Spending time outdoors and exercising can also help us fix irregular sleeping schedules. After all, getting enough sleep is crucial to looking our best. While we’re at it, we might as well ensure that we’re getting quality time off from the stresses of life. That’s something self-care days can help with!

Schedule a day for yourself every week or two. You can take your time bathing and shaving. Afterward, you can even give yourself a little massage while you put on your lotion! Alternatively, you can take your self-care day to a nearby spa and even get your nails done while you’re at it.

Bonus Fashion Tips

If you want to know how to improve your appearance quickly, getting a new wardrobe is your best bet. Still, many people find rediscovering their style a daunting task. Luckily, we have some guidelines to get you started.

First, construct a palette out of your favorite colors. More importantly, think of colors that look good with the undertone of your skin.

Next, figure out which shapes fit your body. Consider the features you’ll want to accentuate and ones you’d rather conceal. On top of that, you could draw inspiration from historical styles or present-day designers.

Most importantly, get clothes that fit your body! The worst thing anyone can do is force their body into tight clothes hoping they’ll one day fit into them. Conversely, you also shouldn’t wear baggy clothing unless you’re going for that specific look. If you have clothing that’s too big or long for you, take it to a local tailor!

Serve Face With or Without Makeup

Aside from clothing, the face is an area that shows the most drastic changes when someone takes an interest in their appearance. So what can you do to improve your look?

Well, for one, you can always visit a dermatologist. Even if you don’t have skin conditions you’d like to address, a dermatologist could help you determine your skin type. Moreover, they might recommend some skincare products or at least ingredients you should look out for.

Speaking of which, if you want to keep your routine simple, all you need is a good cleanser and a moisturizer. If you must, you can also get a chemical exfoliant, rather than a physical peel that may damage your skin barrier. However, the one product that has been proven to reduce signs of aging is sunscreen. So make sure you slather yourself in sun protectant every day!

Obviously, makeup is an optional step. Still, you can use it to correct discoloration, give your face some dimension, or just play around with crazy colors. If you want to wear it, by all means, do so. Just make sure to wash it off thoroughly every night to prevent breakouts.

Another way to keep your skin glowing is to change your pillowcase regularly. Additionally, we suggest switching to a silk pillowcase to protect the face and hair from friction. All that twisting and turning we do in our sleep can cause both split ends and wrinkles!

Make Every Day a Good Hair Day

Anyone who’s ever gotten a haircut after a nasty breakup knows that hair is a powerful tool for transformation. So if you’re trying to figure out how to improve your appearance, getting a new cut and color is as good of a place to start as any! Of course, it doesn’t have to be a drastic change to be effective.

Your hair transformation could simply include getting a new heat styling tool. Alternatively, you can try different overnight heatless curls techniques or different hairstyles. Or if your hair is too short to play around with — get a wig to match your new style!

Smile More Often

Most people are more attractive when they smile — that’s just a fact. But if you don’t like the way your teeth look, you may find yourself stopping yourself from smiling. Well, we obviously can’t have that!

If you’re insecure about your teeth, you can always fix them. Nothing is set in stone! If your teeth are crooked or if you want to correct your bite or protect your jaw, you can get braces, retainers, or aligners. Best of all, these dental devices are all but invisible nowadays!

On the other hand, if you’re insecure about the color of your teeth, you can get whitening products at pretty much any store. Alternatively, if you want the job done right, get an in-office whitening treatment from your dentist!

Lastly, getting teeth veneers is a quick and easy way to make your teeth look straighter and whiter. You’ll see the other benefits as well as downsides to getting dental veneers at this WebMD link.

Enjoy the Spotlight!

Isn’t it amazing what a new wardrobe and some glossy veneers can do? But ultimately, learning how to improve your appearance isn’t just about looking good. It’s about feeling good in one’s own body. So with that in mind — go out and live your best life!

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