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Three Types of Feminine Products

Did you know that Mary Beatrice Davidson Kenner patented the sanitary belt in 1956, which was the first product with an adhesive to keep pads in place for women on their periods? Feminine hygiene products are essential to help make your menstrual cycle manageable.

Feminine care products range from tampons, pads, creams, pills, and more. Keep reading and we will walk you through three types of feminine products.

1. Creams

There are many types of vaginal creams you can find that have different uses. Some creams help moisturize, increase pleasure, or are used for medical purposes.

If you have a yeast infection, you can use a cream that has medicine in it to help relieve the itching, pain, and discomfort you may be feeling. There are creams you can use specifically to clean and moisturize your vagina daily because you should do routine maintenance on that area to keep it happy and healthy.

There are also prescription creams that can help when women go through menopause and experience hormone changes and can help treat moderate to severe pain while having intercourse while going through this change. Read more about Premarin Vaginal Cream 0.625mg/g.

You should consult with your doctor before taking any type of cream, especially a prescription. You want to make sure that what you’re using works with your body.

On the feminine hygiene products list, creams are at the top because they not only help with everyday care, but can help during your period, to increase pleasure, or during menopause.

2. Tampons, Pads, Menstrual Cups

There are many different types of products out there to help a woman when she has her period. Tampons, pads, and menstrual cups all help keep blood from getting on your underwear or clothes.

It is a personal preference when it comes to choosing what works best for you during your time of the month. You may find that tampons are uncomfortable or that you need to change pads too often throughout the day, and you want to find a product that makes you feel comfortable.

Menstrual cups can be used for up to 12 hours a day comfortably, with no leakage or discomfort. They are an eco-friendly option because you don’t have to dispose of them, you can clean and reuse them monthly.

It’s all about finding the best feminine hygiene products for you that make you comfortable.

3. Cleansers

Vaginas can be very sensitive, and you want to make sure you keep them nice and clean for your comfort. Certain body wash-type cleansers won’t affect your pH levels and will leave you smelling and feeling fresh.

You can use cleansers to help reduce period odor when it’s your time of the month. There are special brands that can specifically help with your pH balance during your menstrual cycle.

Find Your Feminine Products

When you’re picking out feminine products, you want to find the ones that are best for you and your body.

Creams, tampons, pads, menstrual cups, and cleansers are just the beginning of many products that are offered to women to help them keep up with their hygiene.

Start trying out different creams to see what you like or read women’s health content on our blog.

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