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5 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Cleaning Windows

Windows play a crucial role in maintaining the aesthetics and functionality of your home. Clean, sparkling windows not only enhance the overall appearance of your property but also allow natural light to flood your living spaces. However, cleaning windows effectively requires more than just a spray bottle and a paper towel. To achieve streak-free, crystal-clear windows, it’s essential to avoid common mistakes that can hinder your efforts. In this guide, we’ll explore five common mistakes to avoid when cleaning windows and provide tips for achieving professional results.

1. Using the Wrong Cleaning Solutions

One of the most common mistakes homeowners make when cleaning windows is using the wrong cleaning solutions. While it may be tempting to reach for household cleaners or multipurpose sprays, these products often leave streaks or residue behind, detracting from the clarity of your windows.

Instead, opt for a specialised window cleaning solution specifically formulated for removing dirt, grime, and grease from glass surfaces. Look for products labeled as “window cleaner” or “glass cleaner,” which are designed to dissolve and lift away contaminants without leaving streaks or residue.

Additionally, avoid using abrasive or ammonia-based cleaners, as they can damage window surfaces and leave behind streaks or haze. Professional window cleaning in Melbourne often use eco-friendly, non-toxic cleaning solutions that are safe for both indoor and outdoor windows.

2. Neglecting to Clean Window Frames and Sills

Another common mistake is neglecting to clean window frames and sills along with the glass. Over time, dust, dirt, pollen, and other debris can accumulate on window frames and sills, detracting from the overall cleanliness of your windows.

Before cleaning the glass, take the time to dust or vacuum window frames and sills to remove loose debris. Then, use a damp cloth or sponge and a mild detergent to wipe down frames and sills thoroughly. Be sure to rinse away any soap residue and dry surfaces with a clean, lint-free cloth to prevent water spots.

By cleaning window frames and sills along with the glass, you can achieve a more thorough and polished look for your windows. Professional window cleaning services in Melbourne often include frame and sill cleaning as part of their standard service to ensure a comprehensive clean.

3. Using Incorrect Cleaning Tools

Using the wrong cleaning tools can also lead to unsatisfactory results when cleaning windows. Paper towels, newspapers, and abrasive sponges may seem convenient, but they can leave behind lint, streaks, or scratches on window surfaces.

Instead, invest in high-quality cleaning tools specifically designed for window cleaning, such as microfiber cloths, squeegees, and scrubbing pads. Microfiber cloths are highly absorbent and lint-free, making them ideal for wiping away dirt and grime without leaving streaks.

A squeegee is an essential tool for achieving streak-free windows, as it effectively removes cleaning solution and water from glass surfaces. Choose a squeegee with a rubber blade that conforms to the shape of your window for optimal results.

Professional window cleaning in Melbourne often use a combination of specialised tools and techniques to achieve pristine windows. By investing in professional services, you can ensure that your windows are cleaned using the most effective tools and methods available.

4. Cleaning Windows in Direct Sunlight

Cleaning windows in direct sunlight is a common mistake that can lead to streaks and water spots. When the sun’s rays hit wet window surfaces, they can cause cleaning solution to evaporate quickly, leaving behind streaks or residue.

To avoid this issue, choose a cloudy or overcast day to clean your windows, or tackle the task in the early morning or late afternoon when the sun is less intense. If you must clean windows in direct sunlight, work quickly and in small sections to prevent cleaning solution from drying prematurely.

Additionally, avoid using excessive amounts of cleaning solution, as this can increase the likelihood of streaks and residue. A light misting of cleaner followed by thorough wiping with a squeegee or microfiber cloth is usually sufficient for most windows.

Professional window cleaning in Melbourne are skilled at timing their work to avoid direct sunlight and achieve optimal results. By scheduling professional services, you can ensure that your windows are cleaned efficiently and effectively, regardless of the weather conditions.

5. Neglecting Safety Precautions

Finally, neglecting safety precautions when cleaning windows can pose risks to yourself and others. Climbing ladders, leaning out of windows, or reaching for high windows without proper safety equipment can result in accidents or injuries.

Before cleaning windows, assess the height and accessibility of each window and determine if additional safety measures are needed. If you need to reach high windows, consider using a sturdy ladder with non-slip feet and have a spotter available to assist you.

Alternatively, consider hiring professional window cleaning in Melbourne to handle the task safely and efficiently. Professional window cleaners are trained in proper safety protocols and equipped with the necessary tools and equipment to clean windows at any height.


In conclusion, avoiding these common mistakes can help you achieve professional results when cleaning windows. By using the right cleaning solutions, cleaning tools, and techniques, and prioritising safety, you can maintain clean, sparkling windows that enhance the beauty and comfort of your home. Whether you choose to tackle the task yourself or enlist the help of professional window cleaning in Melbourne, taking care to avoid these mistakes will ensure that your windows remain clear and pristine for years to come.

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