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Home Redesign Ideas Totally Worth Trying

Bored of the same old walls? Surrounded by furniture from your grandparents’ era? Sick of using outdated living room gadgetry?

It’s time to bring a wave of change in your home’s surroundings. Give your house a killer makeover. Cast your personalized space in a new light, and give it a perspectival shift.

Redesigning, however, doesn’t necessarily mean that you bid goodbye to your savings. You can easily remodel your house without having to turn your pockets inside out. All you would need is a smidgen of imagination, a dash of creativity and a careful sprinkle of resourcefulness to fulfill this mission.

To aid you in this endeavor, but majorly to inspire you, I’m going to list some of the most unique ideas for a home makeover. Check them out below.

Go Gothic

Minimalism may be the hype these days with its ultra-futuristic simplicity. But, all that white space can get boring after a time. If you want to make your drawing room pop out, you should consider adding something elaborate and flourish-y to it.

I’d suggest fixing a gothic-style chandelier in the center of the room. Why gothic? Because ornate chains and black crystal never go out of fashion, plus they give quite a unique touch to the place. Moreover, candles can enliven the vibes of a place too. They’re an important gothic motif, after all.

Level up the Lighting

An ambiance is highly important. One of the elements that affect it considerably is the lighting. That’s why you need to give this matter an extra thought when you officially commence your home-makeover journey. If the stark white light of your room seems bland, then replace it with colored hue LED lights.

Go for artistic, curvy lamps instead of plain bulbs. The way you position lights can enhance or reduce the overall effect. So, include a good mix of up-lights and down-lights, in addition to the simple straight ones.

Add a Touch of Green

Picture this. White marble floors, white leather sofas, white lamps, white walls and a green potted plant on the side. A splash of color to an otherwise sterile space sounds totally refreshing, right? You might have seen those indoor gardening shows where the host gives multiple ideas on the subject of designing with nature.

Try to re-watch them, this time with intent, on your TV and note down the possible ways you can green-up your place. On a side note, if you don’t have a good (and affordable) cable deal that gives comprehensive coverage, then look up Time Warner cable pricing, and you’ll find budget-friendly awesomeness in well-suited packages.

Give your Room a Theme

Personalize your living space by giving it a theme that you love. For instance, if Hawaii is your ultimate go-to destination, then bring a tropical element to your room with the beachy décor. If galaxies enthrall you, outer space decor should be your goal.

If woodland creatures and hobbits catch your interest, then convert your room into a fantasy out of a book. If you’re a Harry Potter fan, then make your room ‘magical’ with a cauldron bed, a boggart drawer, a deathly hallows clock, a chapter scribbled wallpaper, your favorite house’s bedspreads, and whatnot. The sky is the limit.

Embellish with Stained Glass

A simple paint job can make a major change. But if you really wish to be blown away by your décor, then consider embellishing plain glass surfaces with stained glass paints. Let me say this right away that this is an art on a whole other level.

It adds a cool and exotic touch to a place. You can render your house’s windows, mirrors, and lampshades in stained glass. You can go DIY or get the help of a pro. With such ideas insight, I’m sure you can give a wonderful makeover to your home.


Bio: After completing her English Literature degree in 2017, Sijdah, set out for a professional career as a Content Marketer so she could feed all 7 of her cats and work towards her ambition of opening an animal shelter one day. She works as a social worker as well as a cat whisperer in her free time – contributing to spreading awareness about child and animal abuse. She also aspires to be an author/ poet like Sylvia Plath and Charlotte Bronte. You can connect with her via LinkedInFacebookTwitter or Instagram. website

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