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The Importance of Scaffolding during Construction

Scaffolding is a temporary structure that gives construction workers support and access when working at heights. Scaffolding can look like a complicated cocoon or exoskeleton of a developing building because of its many parts.

The essential components would include Scaffolding planks, standards, ledgers, and transoms. However, the list of specific components can greatly extend beyond these.

The construction itself is already complicated as it is, so why add scaffolding into the mix? Any major construction project will call for scaffolding. Scaffolding provides workers with a safe, strong, and stable surface when working in heights.

Many bad things can happen in a construction site. Scaffolding is one of the significant precautions that governments and construction companies use to keep people from getting hurt.

Worker Safety

Construction is a hazardous job. Not only do workers handle power tools and heavy machinery, but they also work at nail-biting heights.  Reports show that as of March 26, there have been 43 worker fatalities in Australia. In 2019, that number was 162.

Falls are a significant cause of injuries and fatalities in construction injuries. Between 2012 and 2013, falls led to 28% of injuries and 16% of fatalities in construction workers.

Furthermore, the US Department of Labor not only records falls as the number 1 cause of deaths in construction, but it also cites fall protection and scaffolding requirements as the number 1 and 3 violations. An injury or death will bring sadness and pain to the workers and their loved ones.

Moreover, it will also delay the project as government officials will have to investigate the incident. Preventing falls is one of the primary purposes of scaffolding. Thus, construction companies must look for reliable scaffolding with high-quality components such as Scaffolding planks, tubes, couples, and more.

What Scaffolding Does

Whether people will only work a couple of hundreds of meters off the ground, the scaffolding must be strong enough to support their weight.

Not only do strong and sturdy scaffolding planks give the workers the confidence to walk at heights freely, but it also puts them in better positions to work on the outside of the building. A ladder can also do the trick, but it does not offer the same stability that scaffolding does.

Moreover, a ladder can only allow workers to go up and down, while scaffolding planks can let them walk from side to side. Scaffolding does not just support the people;

it also supports its equipment. Imagine working with power tools or buckets of paint while on a ladder versus comfortably standing on strong scaffolding planks with your equipment by your feet.

Lastly, scaffolding provides better access. Work is also necessary on the outside of the building, and some buildings can have unusual shapes. Since scaffolding typically wraps around the building, workers can freely and safely navigate hard-to-reach places on the outside.

If a job requires more than a pair of hands, broad Scaffolding planks can allow multiple people to work side by side. Such a scenario is dangerous to replicate with ladders. It also implies that not only is scaffolding safer, it also allows workers to do tasks more efficiently.

It is always better to be safe than sorry. When working on any major construction project, always get scaffolding with excellent quality. Opting for cheap Scaffolding planks or substandard materials will do your project and workers no good.

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