No one can doubt the effectiveness and role of social media in changing the lives of people. However, marketers need to know how the present and prospective customers can utilize several platforms of social media to post contents. Your aim should be to convert social media followers into customers, although it is filled with challenges all the way. Initially, you can get a few followers, but not for long as it is impossible without good content.
Studies suggest that over forty percent of people stop following a brand on a social media platform as they fail to get relevant content on the site. Furthermore, others feel that specific brandspost more contents than they should. Finally, there is a meager amount of people who believe that a business posts too little. If you do not want to belong to any of these classes, it is essential to research properly about the tendency of people to use social media.
With enormous list of social media ideas, you might often find it confusing to assemble them together for an effective strategy. Read the following to understand a few obstacles you can face while posting in social media.
- Sometimes, you may fall short of genuinely inspiring ideas and nothing seems to kick in properly.
- You might also search for ideas every day to get enough to post on social media
- Content you post may not fetch you the return you expect.
Using social media calendar
The best you can to post effectively on the platforms is to keep things together in a calendar. Check the benefits you can get.
- Allows you to have a comprehensive view of the social media schedule.
- You can plan your post in advance
- It is easy to avoid switching between tools and tabs to chart the social media schedule.
When it comes to gaining reasonable likes on social media platform such as Instagram, you can rely on Stormlikes for best results.
Effective content for social media
According to online survey, different network on social media require distinctive treatments. For instance, the content you post on Facebook must not be similar to the content that is relevant to Twitter and Instagram. Besides this, the marketers need to focus on those social media platforms that yield results. Posting more charts and graphs is a good strategy to engage your followers. Try to find out interesting resources about your industry and create a graphical representation.
Polling the followers
The creation of a poll brings life to Instagram, Facebook and Twitter as people express their opinions and you get engagements. While sharing their views, you can expect them to spend more time than usual on your profile. Besides this you can also get valuable insights about those followers during the interaction.
Create a flexible schedule
Apart from planned social media campaigns, your posts need to be flexible as well. There are a few posts that do not have any connection with a massive campaign but still speak a couple of words about your brands or leave a message.
Author Bio: Kristen Smith works revues the strategies of Stormlikes and designs social media posts for businesses. She is also an extensive blogger.