All right, let’s get down and dirty—or maybe be vegan instead. Going on the path to eating better and feeling good is just like putting to sea without knowing routes. You have Google carrying your stuff it seems. You can live in this way forever, simply by eating kale. But newsflash: Kale has tired of your dreams. A nutritionist or nutriologos, as they are called in Spanish, might just change the game. Certainly not from anything you’re going to get off IG. So sit down with that smoothie. You feel me here now?
But because the truth is you just don’t where to start. It’s hard to avoid getting all wrapped up in and bogged down by nutritional mysteries. You don’t need to go it alone: a nutritionist is a real person who has enough facts up his sleeve to rip apart the gray plain diet myths. These men/women are diet demons at a level even wizards are not up on, all equipped with the sort of degrees that could never be gotten out the back of any old cereal box. And they’ve got so much knowledge, you can plumb their depths with your questions and they help provide tailored advice suited just for someone like you–sort of slipping into grandmother’s sweater once again.
Yes, there are apps that can automatically detect your macros, keep reminding you to drink water or even whether how long it has been since the last carrot was consumed. They’re very slick–a food decisions ‘magic eightball’ tool, but without that extra personal touch. It can miss the kind of support that even a talking refrigerator could provide. A nutritionist gives more care than that. Imagine a coach that doesn’t blow whistle but takes you through your temptation-strewn pantry with sly humor and earnest advice. Trust is what works best for them, and they do it with a big smile.
Is a good nutriologo worth its weight in more than a person suggesting you eat more greens and less carbs? Well, they understand. Really, they do. They know it’s not just about calories at all. Nutrition involves a m of hormones, genetics, alters cheer, so forth–and nightime nibbles. A Nutritionist arrives at your life jigsaw and helps fit them together in a colorful and, it must be said, enjoyable way.
Like simple-minded Bob, who thought his energy slump was purely due to not eating enough bananas. No! His nutritionist comes in, finds out he has a B12 deficiency, and changes chic Bob’s image into running Bob. That’s a gamechanger. So it’s not just about food. On your health canvass, a nutritionist sees the hidden connections and turns out artwork rather than scribbles.
It’s the counselor who makes a difference in accountability over your grade in good friends and worse critics. Ever been over to a friend’s house and every cryptic motivational quote you saw hanging on wall after wall? A nutritionist is the embodiment of the saying energy that Scotch-taped no-bullshit mania — as long as they help carry your needs without fluffy cliches.
A nutritionist does not carry around the bodily weight of a full encyclopedia set, but imparts her wisdom gently as a caring whisperer. They are human beings, and life can be like coconut oil–smooth one moment, hard the next. Their knack is to see these changes coming and help ride them out, rather than get thrown altogether.
If you’ve ever tried to talk about omega-3 fatty acids with someone at a party, they’d rather switch the subject to an episode of reality TV! But give them a nutritionist-uh oh. This is someone who eagerly waits for you to ask about omega-3’s instead of simply answering your question; it’s as if they were taking the work of an art critic heartily apart and quoting from every corner inside themselves to tell why fish might be good tonight.
But just when you think a nutritionist is all work and no rest, it’s they that juggle food like a circus. Got a bad vegetable complex? They’ll send you out into the veggie galaxies as if it were an adventure film. Changeable as ever around fructose? Your nutritionist can be a mythbuster, digging deep into sweetness, yet not turn sweet pearls sour. He’s the Sherlock Holmes of flavour-and-vitamin balance; straightening out blandness and imparting pep.
Take Debbie, for instance. Because of her gluten intolerance she thought she had to give up eating her favorite pastry. Then along came one This nutritionist like a literary magician petting his pen in ever so lightly that accomplishing almost immediately the illusion Debbie was confronted with a selection of gluten-free dishes which broke any patisserie showcase and at the same time satisfied every dietary limitation. It’s not just about what you can’t have.
AltusBody Nutriologos en TIjuana
Av Industrial 28, Col del Prado Este, 22105 Tijuana, B.C.