Recently there has been researched on the loss of food daily and found out that 40% of food loss is due to the retailer’s and consumer’s level. Many countries who are developing are facing the problem of loss in food at a higher level. This is an alarming situation and there should be a solution that lasts longer.
That can be reduced by using optimized packaging so that our food does not get waste before the time and can stay fresh for more hours. Let’s find out the main causes of waste problems of food and their solutions by smart food packaging.
Causes of food waste & packaging waste problems:
There are many causes of food loss but on the top of the list is that many countries are still using plastic bags which are lethal to the food and other eating items which waste it before it’s time, gets stale and at the end thrown away because of wastage of food.
Another reason is the size of the packaging, some of them take away food boxes and delivery of the food is not appropriately fit into match able sizes of boxes. Which makes it stale and unfortunately gets wasted.
Although the packaging is mainly used to protect the material in it the only thing we should focus on is to have a quality of packaging which can keep the food eatable for a long time and let that free from bacteria’s and dirt.
Another one that many food materials are thrown away which are still safe to eat, Just because the expiration date of the packaging passes its date. Hence, it wastes the food which could be eaten easily.
These are the causes of the escalation in food and packaging waste problems and can be sorted by the method of LCA i-e life cycle assessments.
To reduce the waste problems we need to focus on using a more circular economy, reducing, reusing and recycling that can control the waste on a much high level. Life cycle assessments help the environment to be better by using such packaging which can be reused so that nature can last longer.
Whether there are Kraft food boxes or Christmas food boxes the focus should be on collecting and reusing the packaging and degrading, composting, that would play a great role in handling packaging.
Let’s just move to the best and easy way to add a great impact on our environment by using smart plastic food packaging in many ways:
Products that are less or not harmful:
Try your best to buy the products with great quality packaging that is less harmful or none. Many brands are using a plastic bottle that is made in a very comfortable way for the customers that they can get all the food material from it easily. A very famous example is of ketchup bottle as that can be reused and can stay longer in that bottle packaging which is a good sign.
Initiative by companies:
If you are running a company then you should start by creating a mission over a waste-reducing plan that you can measure the effect of package use on the shelf life of your product. By using the optimized material of packaging will increase the life of the food and decrease food waste. Also, while shipment there is a huge loss of food which should also be optimized to minimize the food damage.
By this act, you would also increase your customer numbers and people would love to buy your product and if it’s specifically food business then on different events people would prefer you for example parties, kids party food boxes or Christmas food boxes. Also, this will be good for our motherland as it will reduce pollution and minimize waste problems.
Here we have discussed the main causes that are affecting our planet in a worse way day by day. The myth that we all have been believed in the past that it is due to plastic bags and other packaging that is made of plastic and low-quality material. But the reality is a bit different. All we together can reduce the food loss and waste by the smart food packaging that will not only be suitable for our food but also, reusable, degradable and recyclable.
This will help us to maintain our environment. We have many famous brands as well who have initiated this mission to make awareness among the people which is a great step to make this possible.