Minister for Administrative Reform Meets with the Attorney General Abdullah Azwar Anas discussed the formation of an asset recovery agency. This discussion with Attorney General ST Burhanuddin also discussed the Judicial Health Implementation Center at the Prosecutor’s Office. The urgency of establishing this asset recovery agency is related to the large amount of evidence of criminal proceeds handled by the Adhyaksa Corps. “Because there are so many assets that have become evidence that are difficult to handle.
Because there are so many of them, and they are in many places, this will certainly save as evidence assets that have been confiscated by the prosecutor’s office,” explained Minister Anas after a meeting with the Attorney General, at the Prosecutor’s Office. Great. This visit is a form of support from the PANRB Ministry in strengthening the institutional and organizational development of the Prosecutor’s Office. Previously, some time ago the Attorney General also visited the PANRB Ministry.
Anas said that the study of support for institutional strengthening of the Prosecutor’s Office had been completed by the Ministry of PANRB. “The harmonization has also been completed by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, so that early next week a Draft Presidential Regulation can be proposed,” explained Anas.
The meeting also discussed a number of other strategic matters, starting from the institutional arrangement of a number of high-ranking prosecutors and state prosecutors. “This is done to support the work of the Prosecutor’s Office at all levels. “For example, we have agreed to establish a branch of the Nunukan state prosecutor’s office on Sebatik Island, which is quite urgent because it solves problems and provides legal education in the Indonesia-Malaysia border area,” said Anas.
Anas also appreciated the progress of the Prosecutor’s Office so far, including in terms of quite progressive digitalization. “There has been a lot of digitalization progress in the Prosecutor’s Office. “This is in accordance with President Jokowi’s direction in the context of the Electronic Based Government System (SPBE) architecture,” explained Anas. Indonesian Attorney General St. Burhanuddin appreciated the ongoing collaboration between the Indonesian Attorney General’s Office and the PANRB Ministry to encourage institutional strengthening, digitalization, bureaucratic reform, and human resource (HR) management.
Minister for Administrative Reform Meets with the Attorney General
“From the institutional design, there are indeed several strengthenings in the Prosecutor’s Office, for example regarding the Asset Recovery Agency in the Prosecutor’s Office which functions as a techno structure to support the core operations of the Prosecutor’s Office. In the future, according to President Jokowi’s direction, it can run optimally,” explained Anas.
“Regarding asset recovery, we are strengthening institutional capacity from the Center to the Agencies, from echelon II to echelon I,” said the former head of the Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP). Anas said that the study of support for institutional strengthening of the Prosecutor’s Office had been completed by the PANRB Ministry.
“The harmonization has also been completed by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, so that early next week a Draft Presidential Regulation can be proposed,” explained Anas. The meeting also discussed a number of other strategic matters, such as the institutional arrangement of a number of high-ranking prosecutors and state prosecutors which were considered to support the work of the Prosecutor’s Office at all levels.
“For example, we have agreed to establish a branch of the Nunukan state prosecutor’s office on Sebatik Island, which is quite urgent because it solves problems and provides legal education in the Indonesia-Malaysia border area,” said Anas. Anas also appreciated the progress of the Prosecutor’s Office so far, including in terms of digitalization which is quite progressive. According to him, this is in accordance with President Jokowi’s direction in the context of the Electronic Based Government System (SPBE) architecture.
Indonesian Attorney General St. Burhanuddin also appreciated the ongoing collaboration between the Indonesian Attorney General’s Office and the PANRB Ministry to encourage institutional strengthening, digitalization, bureaucratic reform, and human resource (HR) management. “Together with the PANRB Ministry, we discussed efforts to strengthen institutions, digitalization, bureaucratic reform and human resources. All of this is needed to continue to improve the performance of the Prosecutor’s Office,” said Burhanuddin.