How to Clean Your Gemstone Jewelry
Do you love your gemstone jewelry but can’t stand how it looks after wearing it? Well, we’re here to give you tips on cleaning your gemstone jewelry and getting that sparkle back in time for a special night out! You can also take your gems to a professional northern Virginia jewelers to ensure there are no scratches or damages when cleaned.
Before You Start Cleaning, Understand Your Gemstones
Some gemstones are heat sensitive, while others can be cleaned in boiling water with no problem. In addition, some gemstones are chemically treated to reduce flaws and improve their appearance, so it’s a good idea to do some research on the particular stone you’d like to clean.
Different types of gemstones need other cleaning methods. Here are some of the things to remember before you start:
Do Not Use Ammonia-based Cleaners
Ammonia-based cleaners work well for many jewelry items, but when it comes to gemstone jewelry, they can damage the stone. A simple way to check if a cleaner is ammonia based is to smell it. If it has a pungent ammonia odor, you should not use that cleaner.
Avoid Ultrasonic Cleaners
Pure gemstones will most likely be damaged from ultrasonic or steam cleaning and should only be cleaned manually.
Don’t Boil It
In general, don’t boil gemstones. They’ll crack or could even explode. In addition, some gemstones like quartz should never be boiled as they will absorb water and expand quickly, causing them to crack or even shatter.
Clean Separately from Other Jewelry Items
Always clean your gemstone jewelry separately from all other cleaning items. This way, you will ensure that your gemstone jewelry is not contaminated with any chemicals that could damage it further.
How to Clean Jewelry at Home
It’s easier to clean jewelry when you are at home, but sometimes you may
need to get your jewelry cleaned by an expert jeweler. So here are a few ways to clean your gemstone jewelry at home.
Place your gemstone jewelry in an old pillowcase, t-shirt, or another soft cloth that is not made of synthetics. Also, ensure that none of the cleaning items are made of synthetics. Using a toothbrush or a soft brush is recommended to clean your gemstones. The brush should be used in small circular motions. For larger pieces, it may be more ideal to use q-tips, as they are easier to manage than a typical brush.
Clean your gemstone jewelry with warm water and mild dish soap using a toothbrush or soft-bristled brush. Next, rinse your gemstones thoroughly with cool water. Make sure that all the soap is thoroughly rinsed off your gemstone jewelry so as not to leave any residue. Don’t let the water get too hot when doing this; you should be able to touch even the hottest part of the water without getting burned. If you cannot touch it, use a heat-resistant glove or sleeve.
Dry your gemstone jewelry in the shade, and then polish with a clean soft-bristled brush. Use a soft cloth or old pillowcase to dry it, or use a soft cotton towel to wrap around single gemstones; This will prevent them from scratching if you put them down in the wrong spot. Don’t rub too hard when doing this, as you can sometimes scratch the stone if you are too rough.
For wood gemstones, you can use a cloth or toothbrush to get them clean. Make sure you don’t scratch your jewel, as this will make it look dull.
Common Mistakes While Cleaning Your Jewelry
There are some common mistakes that people make when cleaning their gemstone jewelry. The first one is using too much pressure on their piece. If you’re cleaning your ring, ensure you don’t constantly press it against your fingers for the cleaner to get in more deeply.
The second mistake to avoid is using the wrong cleaner. Again, it’s a good idea to look up the specific stone and what type of cleaners are safe to use with it; you can check over this list.
The third mistake to avoid is cleaning gemstone jewelry in the dishwasher. Dishwashers can get extremely hot, which could damage your gemstone jewelry.
If you start cleaning and notice that your pieces have begun to lose some of their color and luster, don’t worry; This is just normal. The stones will eventually regain their color and luster on their own. It may take some time, however, so be patient when cleaning your gemstone jewelry.
Well, there you have it! As you can see, it’s easy to clean your gemstone jewelry and keep it sparkling. So take the time to clean your gemstones once in a while so that they look their best whenever you wear them.