What are lab-grown diamonds?
Lab-grown diamonds are synthetic diamonds, which are grown in pure carbon vapour and heated to almost 2,000 degrees Celsius. They are created using a process that duplicates the conditions of the Earth’s mantle. Commonly known to be 10 times as hard and over 100 times as brilliant as the most common mined diamond, lab-grown diamonds offer individual brilliance and far lower cost than any other gemstone or polished gemstone on the market today.
The process of making lab-grown diamonds is fairly simple: a block of carbon-rich material that is heated to almost 2,000 degrees Celsius is placed in a vacuum chamber, and a stream of pure carbon vapour flows in and out of the centre. As the diamond gets hotter, the carbon atoms start to bond together into an interconnected lattice at a tremendous rate-about one million times faster than they were bonded by nature.
These diamonds may not be completely identical to natural diamonds. Yet, lab-grown diamonds are both magnificent and identical, making them the ideal way for people to fulfil their personal dreams.
They offer unique value and personal significance to those who want a diamond but cannot afford the often frivolous price associated with mined diamonds. Lab-grown diamonds also offer a unique option for those who could not otherwise own a diamond because of religious or physical restrictions.
Why lab-grown diamonds are better
1. Durable
Lab-grown diamonds are very hard, around 100 times harder than most mined diamonds. That translates into a diamond that will last a lifetime. No more worries about outgrowing your ring or needing to get the diamond resized to keep up with your finger size. Rare Carat Lab Grown Diamonds are the same size today as they will be in 50 or even 100 years.
Rare Carat Lab Grown Diamonds are physically identical to mined diamonds, down to the molecular level.
2. Untainted
Lab-grown diamonds are a cleaner way to own a diamond because of their non-conflict status. There is no mining, which means that no one has been hurt in the pursuit of your diamond. That gives you peace of mind and lets you know what you get is what you see. The diamond you hold in your hand is the same diamond you ordered, and that is a beautiful thing.
Lab Grown Diamonds are grown from scratch under completely controlled conditions, giving buyers total peace of mind and the ability to own a unique and untainted diamond.
3. Affordable
The growth process costs about 10-20% of what a mined diamond would cost, which means that lab-grown diamonds are incredibly affordable. Technology is constantly evolving and prices will continue to fall over time.
A lab-grown diamond can cost a fraction of the price of a mined diamond, and that saving is passed along to the consumer in terms of a lower price.
4. Conflict Free
Lab-grown diamonds are completely conflict-free, which is important to those who want to make sure that they are not supporting any groups that might use conflict minerals in their production. It also means that your diamond is ethically manufactured, which many people choose for their diamonds. Unlike the mining industry, lab-grown diamonds do not hurt or exploit the land or any of its inhabitants.
5. Uniformity
Lab-grown diamonds are completely uniform across the board and all gems are identical to each other, meaning that there is no variation in color, size, cut, or clarity. When you buy a mined diamond you will never know exactly what you are going to get because natural diamonds are flawed and vary greatly from each other. The consistency of a lab-grown diamond means that you know exactly what you are buying. Lab-grown diamonds are made in the same conditions, so they’re exact duplicates of each other-meaning you can be sure that your ring will stay looking exactly the way it does now for a lifetime.
6. Clarity
Lab-grown diamonds can be made to a level of clarity that is higher than any mined diamond. This means that you can get a clear diamond without paying the price for clarity. This also means that your ring will stay looking the way it does on your wedding day for generations to come.
Get to know www.rarecarat.com
www.rarecarat.com is an online company that buys, sells, and trades lab-grown diamonds. The company was founded in 2011 with the mission to provide a beautifully crafted, unique diamond at an affordable price, with complete transparency throughout the entire process. The company’s website, www.RareCarat.com, offers customers a chance to preview diamonds for sale and purchase them online using secure payment methods.
Their man-made diamonds are guaranteed to be virtually indistinguishable from mined diamonds, with a hardness of 100 on the MOHS scale. They are essential carbon, which means they are completely clear and will not turn yellow over time as some mined diamonds do.
The company offers people from all walks of life the opportunity to own a diamond of their very own. They have customers from all over the world who have ordered lab-grown diamonds for a variety of reasons.
How to find good lab-created diamond deals from www.rarecarat.com
To find the best deals on lab-grown diamonds from www.RareCarat.com, use their handy online search tool at the top of their home page. Simply enter your desired carat size, stone color, shape, clarity and a few other details about your diamond and their search engine will return the results it finds that match the information you entered.
If you choose to purchase a diamond from the company, they will send you a letter with all of the details about the diamond including its purity and cut. The company offers a 100% return policy on any diamond so that you can purchase it with peace of mind. If you aren’t satisfied with your lab-grown diamond for any reason, you can return it for a full refund.
Rare Carat specializes in lab-grown diamonds that are ideal for engagement rings. The staff at the company is composed of expert gemologists and diamond cutters who are passionate about their craft and want to help everyone who walks through the door get the ring of their dreams.
Lab-grown diamonds represent the future of diamond ownership. No more worries about unethical mining practices or wars over precious stones. No more worries about what you are buying for your loved ones. Investing in lab-grown diamonds means investing in a cleaner and brighter future for everyone.