Dreaming about a snake can have several different meanings, such as dreaming about a black snake, a red snake, a yellow snake, a rattlesnake and many other types of snakes. In the Bible the snake is a symbol of deceit and falsehood. This is because in the Garden of Eden, man was deceived by a serpent, which some scholars say is the figure of Lilith, Adam’s first wife in the Bible. Be that as it may, the serpent is a symbol of deceit and falsehood.
Other cultures say that the serpent has a meaning of healing and prosperity. However, people see snakes as a type of healing symbol in the Old Testament. That’s because after God was disciplining his people, the people had to look at the bronze serpent in the desert to be healed of the disease.
What does snake mean in a dream
Dreaming about a snake is almost always a dream that someone is cheating on you. Sometimes people who are being deceived have these dreams very often. Perhaps this dream indicates an eye opening condition with people who are close. This includes your colleagues who are by your side, people from your workplace and also people who somehow seek to be close to you. This type of dream can indicate that there are people who are talking a lot, but not with the intention of helping you, but of passing you off.
Dreaming about a snake biblical meaning
Eventually, dreaming of a snake in the bible illustrates a bad sign, because the snake in the bible has the symbology of satan or devil or even demons or people who act falsely.
The bible says that it was a snake that deceived the second woman, that’s because some rabbis say that they say that Adam’s first wife was a snake, that is, Lilith (do the translation into Portuguese).
However, sometimes snakes can represent healing and new life. This is because the bible mentions that soon after, the punishment of God with the people of Israel, a bronze serpent was raised in the desert and all those who were wounded with illness looked at it and were immediately healed. However, the bible illustrates snakes as cunning people who use trickery to achieve their goals. It is clear that in the art of deceit for one’s own benefit it has the symbol of Satan, but in the sense of prudence it is seen as a good characteristic which is said by Jesus, be wise as serpents and meek as sheep.
Dreaming about a snake in the spirit world
In the spiritual world dreams are sometimes wars that you have to win in your subconscious.
Dreams almost always have a spiritual meaning, and in the matter of dreaming about a snake it illustrates a demon you are facing or a person who is outwitting you in some area of your life.