Dieting and losing weight can be a challenge for most people. Some people look at fad diets, or intermittent fasting, while others invest in a more tailored medical weight loss programme. Solutions can vary in effectiveness, depending on the person, their goals and the timescale in which they hope to achieve the desired results. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the common approaches to effective weight loss.
People who want to lose weight often find it challenging to start. It is a potentially lifesaving decision and may require some lifestyle changes, including diet and exercise. These tend to be the main factors that lead to effective weight loss, but there are other, less frequently mentioned things to consider too.
Other Weight Loss Factors to Consider
Sleep, while not necessarily an obvious weight loss factor, can have an effect on your diet. It is a good idea to get enough sleep, as sleep helps regulate hormones that tell the body when it is hungry. Developing a regular sleep pattern and sticking to it, enables us to get enough rest and to eat at the same times each day, and helps to plan our weight loss diet.
Stress can be a major contributing factor to weight gain. While not usually a direct cause, stress often leads to us eating more and can have a negative effect on any diet plan. Getting enough rest is important as mentioned above, but it’s also worth taking a look at what may be causing the stress in our lives and dealing with this. Often relaxation, medication or counselling can help identify and deal with the stress in our lives.
Medical Weight Loss Programmes
Visit a doctor, physician or diet clinic for preliminary testing and a look at what solutions are available to begin your weight loss journey. This usually begins by evaluating your lifestyle, looking at your current diet, stress causes and exercise frequency. Usually, a medical professional can offer a solution in the form of a tailored weight loss programme. These weight loss programmes are developed for you as an individual, taking your current weight, diet, and goals into consideration, to create a plan of action going forward.
While losing weight is commonly down to a change of lifestyle, it is sometimes necessary to use medication including injections or diet pills. Your medical professional will be able to advise if this is the right solution for you.
It is essential that you follow your doctor’s recommendations for a healthy diet and exercise plan. It is important to consult a registered dietitian or fitness trainer to ensure any diet plan is right for you.
Exercise for Weight Loss
If you’re a beginner at exercise, start slow. Start by walking for a few minutes each day. It’s easy to do! Often, small changes in your daily life can have a profound effect, and kickstart your weight loss journey. For example, a 30-minute walk during your lunch break, or a walk to the local shop over a car journey will soon start to show results.
Beyond this, creating a regular exercise schedule that isn’t too overwhelming is essential. Whether this is at a gym, or a local walk or run, consistency is the key. It’s worth speaking to a fitness professional or dietician to put in place a plan that works for you.
Find a Solution that Works for you!
Getting traction on your weight loss journey may not happen overnight, but sticking with your goals and finding a solution that works for you will get you results you want.