If you live in Chicago, you may be aware of the high crime rate in the city. You likely know someone who has been a victim, or you have been a victim of a crime. According to the statistics, in the United States, one in every twenty-five individuals in Chicago has become a victim of violent or property crimes.
You should be aware of common charges in Chicago criminal defense lawyer can help you handle the case.
The laws regarding criminal cases can be tricky to navigate without the expertise of a criminal defense lawyer. Every case is unique, and the legal system can be complicated with all its strict procedures and rules.
Thus, if you are facing a criminal charge, a criminal defence attorney can help you create your plea, investigate the situation, gather evidence, and ultimately try to give you the best possible outcome.
Criminal defense attorneys handle different charges, with some specializing in certain types. Check out some of the common cases they work with so you know when to find a lawyer.
Property Crimes
Property crimes include arson, burglary, theft, larceny, fraud, forgery, and other similar cases. Most of the time, these cases do not involve injured parties or casualties, but the resulting charge may still be grave depending on the crime’s gravity.
For example, larceny cases may lead to misdemeanour or felony charges depending on the stolen property’s value. On the other hand, Burglary can be classified as residential or commercial burglary and may result in fines or imprisonment.
Property crimes on their own are extremely broad; in Chicago, a criminal defense lawyer with adequate experience can make all the difference. Lawyers who handle different kinds of property crimes can educate you on your options and guide you through the legal process.
Drug Crimes
The unlawful possession, use, sale, and manufacture of legal and illegal substances are strictly prohibited in Chicago. Thus, if you are charged for any of these matters, the penalties will depend on different factors like the quantity and type of drug you are handling, but they may vary from infractions to misdemeanours to felonies.
Dealing with a drug charge can be challenging since the case may be handled in several ways. A criminal defense lawyer who specializes in these cases will have experience working with different scenarios, so they can come up with alternatives to deal with your situation.
Alcohol-Related Crimes
Alcohol-related crimes involve crimes like public intoxication, driving under the influence (DUI), and liquor laws. While DUI is not always considered a crime at the first offence, you still risk losing your license, paying high fines, or getting imprisoned for some time.
However, the consequences will be much graver if the DUI case led to an injury or death. Thus, in Chicago, hire a criminal defence lawyer to help you examine the case and determine the best course of action.
Whether intentional or not, there are many instances where you may have to go to trial for committing a crime. In these situations, enlisting a criminal defence lawyer’s help will be beneficial to negotiate your plea bargain and reduce the gravity of your charge.