Video marketing can be an extremely successful way to engage with your target audience and promote your brand, products, or services, but only if it’s done correctly.
Unfortunately, many marketers make common mistakes that can hurt their video engagement rates. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the most common mistakes and how to avoid them. More than 62% of people believe that engagement is the best success metric for videos.
Engagement is key when it comes to video marketing. But what’s the hack of engaging videos? Is it high-quality videos only or the scriptwriting part of it? Well, there have been many books written over decoding the virality of content.
All of them point out the story, emotion, human connection, and relatability as top factors behind engagement.
This step is vital because it helps to ensure that your viewers will take the time to know more about your company and what you have to offer. In addition, engagement can help to increase brand awareness and create a connection with your audience.
Engagement Matters more than the number of Likes. Let’s understand Why!
A high engagement rate is one of the most critical parameters for measuring the success of a social media campaign. However, it is often misunderstood and can be confused with other metrics such as the number of likes or followers.

Comparing key metrics like “Like”, “Shares”, “Followers” give a good idea about the brand but engagement can take the whole story to the next level. All platforms prefer engagement over other metrics because that’s the highest form of success any content can get.
The engagement rate depends on the number of interactions (likes, comments, shares) and the frequency of impressions (the number of times a post was seen). This gives you a percentage that reflects how engaged your audience is with your content.
This parameter is important because it shows how effective your content is at sparking conversation and getting people to interact with it.
Can marketing mistakes affect the engagement rate of videos?
When creating a video, it is important to keep in mind how it will be marketed. What may work well for one video may not work for another.
There are many factors that can affect how well a video is received, including the quality of the video, the target audience, and the marketing strategy.
If a video is not properly marketed, it may not be seen by as many people as it could have been otherwise. This can result in a lower engagement rate and fewer views. With fewer data available, the results can not be said to be true. With more audience, you get more accurate data.
Talking about different platforms like YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, the new platform-specific metrics also play important roles. To simplify the understanding of mistakes, we have brought to you the most common types of mistakes.
Here are some mistakes that might hurt video marketing-
Poor Quality in Characters, Animation, Voiceover, or Music.

When you are creating a video to market your product or service, it is important that the video quality is high. If the video quality is poor, it can cause viewers to have a negative reaction and be less likely to engage with your video content.
There are many factors that go into creating a high-quality video, but one of the most important is the resolution. If your video isn’t in HD, it will likely look grainy and low quality. This can turn viewers off and make them less likely to stick around to watch the rest of your video.
Today, the screens are immersive. Even 4K HD Videos run smoothly. From video resolution quality, character animation quality to voice over quality, everything should be highest.
Ensure that the video is not boring at any moment.

When creating animated explainer videos for your business, it’s important to keep in mind that people get bored easily. Well, there are a lot of videos available for them and if your video fails to ignite excitement in the beginning, it may lose engagement.
It is possible to do a few things to make sure your video is interesting and engaging. First, make sure the content is relevant to your audience. Next, add some humor or personality to make it more engaging. Finally, keep the video short and sweet – a longer video has more chances to get boring.
Don’t ignore the power of storytelling.

In today’s digital age, it’s easy to get caught up in the numbers. We obsess over clickthrough rates, open rates, and engagement rates. And while all of those numbers are important, they can often overshadow the importance of storytelling.
It’s about connecting with your audience and establishing a relationship with them. And while technology has changed the way we market our products and services, the power of storytelling remains the same.
Ensure that the story is gripping and thrilling. Put realistic and relatable characters, real-life situations into the story.
Don’t make your video too long – Short is Sweet.

There are a lot of discussions about how to make the perfect video for your marketing campaign. And while there are definitely some general rules that hold true for most videos, there is no one-size-fits-all answer.
One piece of advice that does seem to be universally accepted, however, is this: Don’t make your video too long. As per the site reports– Facebook video engagement is best between two and five minutes long.
Reports have shown that shorter videos tend to have higher engagement rates than longer ones. In fact, one study found that viewers are likely to stop watching a video after just 60 seconds.
So, if you want your audience to stick around until the end, keep your video short and sweet. No less than a hack for better engagement is shorter videos.
Don’t forget to include a CTA.

There’s a reason why calls-to-action (CTAs) are such an important part of marketing: they work. In fact, according to recent research, CTAs are responsible for as much as 90% of online sales.
But what happens when you forget to include a CTA? Unfortunately, the answer is pretty clear: your engagement rates will suffer.
Marketers believe that CTAs were the number one factor in increasing email clickthrough rates. A CTA within a video gets 380% more clicks than the normal sidebar CTA.
The lesson? If you want to achieve better results from your marketing efforts, don’t forget to include a CTA.
Avoid making the same mistakes in your video marketing campaign. They can have a negative impact on your engagement rate and overall success. Make sure you create high-quality videos that are interesting and engaging to watch.
Plan your campaign carefully, and make sure your videos are properly promoted and targeted to the right audience. Finally, always test and measure the results of your campaigns to see what works best and what needs improvement.
Be sure to have a clear goal for your campaign and create interesting, engaging videos that will capture your audience’s attention. Plan your budget carefully and make sure your videos are high quality and professional.
Finally, promote your videos through social media and other channels to reach a larger audience.
You can improve video engagement with a few things. You can dramatically increase video engagement with these tips.
Author bio: Komal Kokate is the Co-Founder and CEO of MotionGility, an Explainer Video Company. With a keen eye for creativity, she is an expert in video marketing. While delivering high results to clients, she loves exploring the market and the latest marketing trends in the B2B industry. Connect with her on Facebook and LinkedIn.