Drip irrigation method is one of the most preferred methods in plant growing recently. It is preferred due to climate change and the decrease in water resources. It is now accepted by everyone that we need to be more careful in water consumption.
Because water resources around the world are under serious threat. With drip irrigation, both water and the different nutrients required can be given to the plant roots in the most effective and efficient way. In addition, water and nutrients can be given exactly when the plant needs them.
Growing crops in this way not only ensures high productivity but also saves energy, water and agricultural nutrients. Drip irrigation is one of the most effective ways for ecological and efficient agricultural production.
How is drip irrigation done?
Drip irrigation uses a system of drippers and pipelines. This system is made by laying pipes in each part of the field. Producers who want to use this method buy the system ready in the field. Water and the necessary nutrients are delivered to the plants through drippers placed frequently in the appropriate places of the pipes.
This delivery is made directly to the root of the plant. The timing is also provided by the system itself. The nutrients and water are delivered little by little and frequently, exactly when the plant needs them. In this way, maximum and optimal plant nutrition can be achieved.
Contributions of Drip Irrigation to Production
Thanks to drip irrigation, producers can grow crops both efficiently and economically.
We can list the contributions of the method as follows:
· Water and nutrients needed by plants are delivered in the most efficient way
· It is ensured that nutrients and water are provided at the rate required by the plants produced
· Optimal aeration of the soil
· Prevents harmful consequences such as excessive salinization as a result of intensive fertilization
· Prevents fungal diseases caused by intensive irrigation
In addition to these advantages listed above, drip irrigation also provides benefits for the whole agricultural production and even for the whole ecological system and the world. Therefore, drip irrigation is an increasingly important method.
Why is Drip Irrigation Important?
The most important cause of the climate crisis all over the world is water scarcity. The world is becoming increasingly arid. Melting glaciers, decreasing rainfall and the destruction of green areas for different reasons have made water scarcity an increasingly serious problem. Therefore, the efficient use of water is now an important reality for everyone. The most important contribution of drip irrigation is the efficient and economical use of water.
In general, why it is important can be explained as follows:
· Drip irrigation can prevent the reduction in food production that is a consequence of the climate crisis and water scarcity,
· Contributes to solving the problem of groundwater pollution caused by fertilization,
· By supporting rural production and rural communities, it contributes to solving the problem of everyone moving to the city and giving up production.
Click for Top Quality drip irrigation systems: https://www.serdrip.com/