Your website is going to be vital to your company’s success, and you need to make sure that it remains secure at all times. A single mishap with your website could result in data loss, the theft of intellectual property, and countless other issues that bring your business to a grinding halt.
Practice Good Security Habits
The first step in securing your website is using strong passwords. With a weak password, a criminal could potentially break into your website in a matter of minutes, and that type of breach will wreak havoc on your company.
You must also make sure that all of the software that the site is built on remains updated. Many software companies release new security patches every week, and your site is going to be extremely vulnerable without those updates.
Don’t Use a Second-Rate Web Designer or Host
It might be tempting to go with an inexpensive web designer or hosting company, but that could end up costing you in the long run. Anyone who will be working on your website or hosting its data should offer multiple levels of security.
They must also provide you with world-class customer support so that you have immediate assistance if the website goes down. Leaving your website offline for just a few days could cost your company huge sums of money.
Limit Employee Access to the Website
Unfortunately, data breaches are often the result of careless employees who didn’t follow the proper security protocols. Even if you trust your employees, you should still limit who has access to the website.
If dozens of people are managing your company’s site, then there is a very good chance that someone will make a careless mistake at some point. Only your most trusted team members should be able to access or manage the site.
Work with an IT Management Company
Creating an internal IT department can be very expensive, and that is why many business owners use managed IT services. An IT management company will keep your website running smoothly and help you deal with any issues that you come across in the coming years.
Those companies often offer a wide array of options to help support your company’s IT issues that might come up.
In addition to these few tips, you should also consider performing biannual web security audits. During those audits, you will uncover any potential gaps in your website’s security that need to be addressed.