The animation is Imagination – the Imagination of an Artistic Animator.
One thing that has definitely revolutionized the business world and lives, in general, is the art of animation. It is amusing to see how animators try and convert their imagination into incredibly amazing creative work in the form of videos that leaves everyone in awe.
Talking of animation, it is widely used by businesses these days for the purpose of drawing the attention of the target audience through compelling animated videos. The need for animation was realized when people (mainly business persons) were seeking an excellent means of interaction to communicate with their target audience artistically and engagingly.
Prefer reading: Animations influence on customer experiences and building perceptions.
Well, the credit for delivering any message in the most artistic manner goes to animators. They possess the talent to convert anything into a beautiful piece of video that holds power to allure anyone.
Although there are many animators out there, not all are the same when it comes to their talent and artistic skills. No wonder you can easily find an animator to work for you, but when it comes to finding the right person to do the job, many people get stuck.
People usually hire an animator, pay him/her for getting their task done, but feel disgusted when the final product doesn’t match their expectations. Did it ever happen to you? If yes, then that’s sad.
So, what could possibly be done to make sure that you don’t fall into the trap? Well, don’t worry!! Here’s the perfect solution.
This article will guide you through the tips you must consider for hiring a qualified animator that can work in your best interests.
First things first, before you start looking for an animator, get a clear picture of what you are looking for along with your budget. This will help you a lot in looking for the right animator.
Once you are clear about your needs and budget, the following are the tips to follow:
Tip 1- Use Social Media Platforms
Social media has gained a lot of popularity over the years, and there is nothing that you can’t find on social media platforms. Many companies are already using social media platforms to gain exposure and expand their business.
Now, just like companies use social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, etc. to gain exposure, they use Fiverr, Upwork, etc. to look for people who can work in their best interest. At the same time, many animators use Upwork, Fiverr, etc. to get projects.
Except for Upwork and Fiverr, a lot of people rely on platforms like Ayewind and many others to find qualified and experienced animators, and so can you.
Thus, just as people find and hire a qualified animator by posting a requirement for the same on Upwork, Fiverr, and the interested animators come looking them up and contact them, you can explore ayewind and find the right fit for your work.
One of the best things about ayewind is that you will receive suggestions for the most popular animators. So, lookup for the best animator and get your video created in the best possible way.
Tip 2- Ask for a Portfolio
Once you see that animators start showing their interest in working for you, the first and one of the most crucial steps that you have to follow is to ask for their portfolio. Since a portfolio transparently reflects the quality of work done by an animator, looking through the same will give you a clear idea about his/her skills.
Things to consider while going through a portfolio:
- See if the work of the concerned animator fits well with your needs
- Does it have a good story?
- Consider the quality of the animation. Nope!! You don’t have to look at it through professional eyes, just focus on the flow of the video (if it is smooth and dynamic or not)
- See if you find the visuals appealing
- Consider the quality of the voice-over and if the audio is easy to understand
- Consider the sound of music and how it makes you feel
Tip 3- Checkout How Many Projects the Animator Has Completed Till Date
Another way to find the best and qualified animator is by looking into their project-completion rate. When it comes to design skills, experience matters a lot. Thus, to get yourself a skilled animator, you have to look for an experienced animator besides looking for their degree.
An animator who has made a lot of videos is obviously more experienced than the one who has done a few within the same period. So, make sure you fall for the one who has got some experience in the field.
Tip 4- Presentation of the Video
Now that you have already had a look at their portfolio and the number of projects completed by them, please don’t rush into the decision to close the deal with them.
Pay heed to the production details and see if the video created by them is able to create a bond between the brand and the audience. From a sense of humor to characters and many other things, consider everything.
It doesn’t matter if you are a professional in the field or not, all you have to consider is if the video is able to deliver the message properly or not, if the storyline was right or not, etc.
Tip 5- Consider a Demo Reel
A demo reel represents the worth of an animator, and their experience is reflected through it. So, before you fall for the degree they hold or anything else, don’t forget to consider the demo reel and look out for:
- Animation quality
- Soundtrack
- Visuals (if they are original or not)
- Camera movement
- Style of animation
Tip 6- Voice Over Quality
When it comes to finding a qualified and experienced animator, completed projects, portfolio, video presentation, and a demo reel is not enough. Besides all these, voice over plays an essential role in looking for the right person on whom you can rely on your work.
So, you must consider that the voice over is done by a professional with a command over genre and tone.
2 essential things to consider:
- The voice-over artist is capable of expressing emotions explicitly
- He/she has a command over the language
Tip 7- Ex-Client’s Feedback
Besides looking for the quality of work, experience, qualification, and anything else, you must also ask for the feedback of ex-client for whom the animator has worked.
This is important because you will be able to get a clear idea of how they have worked for other people, and will eventually help you in deciding whether or not to hire the concerned person.
Always remember that a reliable animator will never hesitate to provide you the contact details of his/her ex-client. And if you feel that they are reluctant to share the details of their ex-client, then you already know what you must do next, right? Yes!! Not to deal with them anymore.
Tip 8- Passion
Passion- An energy that holds the power to make the impossible happen, is a must in anyone, irrespective of their profile. It is one thing that drives people to work in their best interests and deliver the best results in whatever they are doing.
So, it would be best if you never take it for granted. Always remember that the most fantastic things happen when people love what they do. Thus, when you are looking for an animator, look out for the fire of passion and enthusiasm in them.
An animator should not only believe in their skills, but they should be exuberant in what they do. It does not matter if an animator holds a degree from an expensive/reputed university, if they are not passionate about their work and are only doing the same to make a few bucks, they won’t ever give their 100%.
So, when you are ready to close a deal with an animator, make sure that they are in love with their work and are excited to work for you.
In a Crux
The animation is a work of art, and it requires experience, skills, and qualifications to create a fantastic piece of art. Now, there are a whole lot of animators out there, willing to work for you, even at affordable/fewer prices. But, it does not assure you that they will deliver the results as per your expectations.
So, while you look for a qualified animator, consider the tips discussed above to ensure that you settle with the right person who can perform the task just like you want it to be done.
We hope that the above-discussed tips will help you in finding the right fit for your video creation task.
Also, we like to hear from you, so if you have some other tips to consider while looking for a qualified animator, feel free to drop your suggestions in the comment box below.