In this ever-changing digital space of ours, developers have become the most vital assets for companies across all industries. From ensuring the stability of any company’s IT infrastructure, establishing security protocols, refining all tech-based and digital operations, all the way to software, app, and website development and maintenance, developers have indeed earned a prime spot in the today’s business and tech world.
Naturally, the more they grow in relevance, the greater the need for improving their internal processes, collaboration, and other ongoing issues that still prevail.
Over the course of the past few years, two key factors have emerged as the most effective solutions for developers to improve every single step of their work: DevOps and cloud computing. The two may be separate and unique, but they’ve evolved into a unified, complementary entity that serves your developers in so many different ways. Let’s break it all down into a few key benefits DevOps and cloud can bring for your development team.
Growing customer satisfaction
When you remove all the intricate steps, the final outcome of your entire development process and every project’s lifecycle boils down to making your customers happy. In an overly-competitive arena of software development, the challenge grows significantly when your customers have the chance to sample and rely on other similar products that are produced faster and with fewer issues.
Useful applications and other software solutions can only be the result of a streamlined process, and implementing DevOps paired with the cloud is precisely that: a way to increase customer satisfaction. Simpler testing, better data access, and better collaboration among all lead to fewer delays, fewer bugs, and more happy customers.
Streamlining software development
Developing new software requires innovation, creativity, but also pristine organization skills, and as much automation as possible to keep your developers focused on their core tasks. Today more than ever, using DevOps as a service paired with a scalable cloud platform allows businesses to rely on a stable IT infrastructure all the while enabling developers to be more productive and creative with their projects.
The end product is a faster delivery of the desired software solution, which is an advantage every single business appreciates today, as it means your business is a worthy competitor in the industry.
Add to that, simpler and more streamlined communication flows serve to help your teams develop software not just faster, but with fewer glitches and failures along the way. DevOps in this sense is more than a solution, but a mindset that will fuel your entire organization to deliver better products for your target audience.
Increasing security
We’ve already mentioned that DevOps allows your business to merge a vast range of different operations under a single, digital roof, which means crafting a more stable digital environment in which all of your developers can work, test, and deploy. What makes this even more appealing is the safety and security of the entire process.
DevOps and the cloud increase the stability and thereby the security of all of your business exchanges, the data you store, and the interactions you conduct. The built-in security measures let your business focus on other aspects of each project, rather than worrying about the safety and security protocols.
Smarter tool integration
One of the key features of DevOps and the cloud is the scalability of both. That, however, doesn’t mean much on its own, if the business doesn’t utilize the service to its capacity. Simply put, DevOps empowers your developers to utilize and rely on a wide range of different tools within your organization that can hold invaluable data for each of their projects.
Shortening the development process is possible only when your developers have the feedback, the testing tools, and analytics tools to support their process. Under DevOps and the cloud, it all works at the same pace, in the service of the end product.
Effortless collaboration
No matter if your development teams consist of a couple or several dozen employees, these eager beavers already have too much on their hands. Add to that the struggle to communicate with all other teams effectively, and they’ll toil throughout the project inevitably.
Developers are merely one piece of each project puzzle, and as such, they need access to your marketing team’s data, your graphic designers’ expertise, and your operations managers, among other departments.
Cloud computing empowers effortless collaboration across your entire organization, no matter if you have teams on-site only, or if you work with remote staff, as well. The cloud takes collaboration to an entirely new level, enabling your developers to have immediate access to all of your systems, applications, projects, and relevant data, without delays or interferences.
The entire lifecycle of any project your developers tackle can be shorter, yet more efficient, cost-effective, while the end result will have a greater chance to appeal to your customers due to better collaboration among different departments in your organization.
As the fastest-evolving sector in tech and digital, DevOps and the cloud come together to provide a unique opportunity for your business to evolve with the times, too. Use them wisely, and you’ll put yourself at the very forefront of the industry with your improved capabilities.
Author Bio: Keith Coppersmith is a business and marketing expert who has experienced both the rise and fall of many businesses. As a regular contributor at BizzmarkBlog, he enjoys writing and providing insight into the marketing industry based on both practice and theory.